The revolution in training control and performance diagnostics

Real-time feedback for immendiate adjustment of training intensity.



Idiag Moxy uses near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to provide accurate, real-time measurements of muscle oxygen saturation (Sm02) to optimize training. Through a simple step-test protocol the Idiag Moxy can deliver important physiological data to help establish individual training recommendations. The device is portable, compact and non-invasive.


Real time muscle oxygenation information can increase efficiency and efficacy of training. The diagnostic power of the Idiag Moxy can be combined directly with day to day training. The user can continuously monitor exercise intensity and adjust the HIIT recovery and performance intervals at any time.


Muscle oxygenation is an innovative bioenergetic measure. The accuracy of Idiag Moxy can be combined with simple in-field experiment designs. The focus is on the collection of sound scientific data with real world implications for research. To understand local and global physiological responses in sport specific settings, multiple devices are combined.



  • Direct, continuous measurement of oxygen saturation Sm02.
  • Real-time feedback for immediate adjustment of training intensity.
  • Small, waterproof, portable.
  • Non-invasive, no blood, no masks.


The Idiag Moxy has been developed in cooperation with Fortiori Design LLC (USA).


The Idiag Moxy is a non-medical device that has been FCC certified.


  • Sport specific: Testing and training monitoring in the field is possible.
  • Interval HIIT: Direct feedback of intensity duration and recovery enable efficient interval training and reduce risk of over-training.



The Idiag Moxy – the oxygen monitor of your muscles. Overview of the key facts.



Near-infrared spectroscopy-derived muscle oxygen saturation on a 0% to 100% scale: reliability and validity of the Moxy Monitor.


What does Moxy show?

Moxy measures two parameters that are interlinked; SmO2 and tHb. The way in which these parameters change we are informed about the muscular relationship between the supply and demand oxygen. If SmO2 increases supply is greater than demand. If SmO2 decreases supply is less than demand. If SmO2 remains relatively stable or unchanged oxygen supply and demand is equal.

What is SmO2?

SmO2 or muscle oxygen saturation is a relationship measure between oxygenated hemoglobin (O2Hb) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb). Using NIRS the Moxy measures in a relative form (not quantifiable) the amount of hemoglobin present in the muscle under the sensor. Specifically, it differentiates between the amount of haemoglobin carrying oxygen and the amount of haemoglobin that is not carrying oxygenation. This results in the following formula: O2Hb / HHb + O2Hb = SmO2.

What is tHb?

tHb is a relative measure (not quantifiable) of the total amount of hemoglobin that is passing underneath the sensor and is therefore the bottom portion of the SmO2 formula above (O2Hb + HHb). THb is an indirect indicator of blood volume change.

What does tHb tell us?

tHb is an indirect measure of blood volume. If the following assumptions are made an increase in tHb is a result of increased blood volume under the sensor. We must first assume that the amount of hemoglobin per dl of blood in the human body remains stable, and the concentration of hemoglobin per dl of blood during the measurement remains constant. Important is to note that tHb does not necessarily show blood flow.

What can I use Moxy for?

The SmO2 parameter is a bioenergetics parameter. Oxygen is a primary component for energy production in the muscle and therefore SmO2 is a bioenergetics parameter that is most effectively applied to training focussing on bioenergetics. This involves the production of energy in the muscles as the limiting factor. This is the case for most forms of extended or repeated exercise from HIIT to steady state exercise. Where SmO2 as a parameter are not optimally used is in, for example, guidance of 1RM.

How does Moxy compare to traditional measures?

Comparison between Moxy parameters (SmO2) and traditional performance diagnostics methods have been made, including comparisons between muscle oxygenation and blood lactate, and muscle oxygenation and ventilatory threshold. Both show good correlations. This makes sense in that all these parameters are linked to one another directly or indirectly.

What is a normal resting SmO2?

Resting SmO2 can vary greatly between individuals and between muscles, ranging from 40%-90%. At the moment we do not analyse resting parameters and consider them individual. At rest cardiopulmonary work and muscle work is very low, and therefore both supply and demand for oxygen is low. This means little change in either supply or demand can have a major effect in SmO2, until the counterpart of the supply and demand relationship responds.

How deep does Moxy measure/what effect does adipose tissue have?

The Moxy Monitor measures at a depth of 15mm. If adipose tissue on the measurement site exceeds 15mm getting correct measurements is extremely difficult as the infrared lights fails to pass through muscle tissue. If dealing with an individual where you are unsure if the 15mm depth is sufficient, consider this in your analysis of the data. Large adipose layers will result in less extreme changes in SmO2 and higher SmO2 values. This means that trending information may still be accurate when assessing an athlete, but the values of SmO2 will likely be inaccurate.

What is the difference between SmO2 and SpO2?

SpO2 or saturation of peripheral oxygenation is measured via a pulse oximeter. It measures the saturation of oxygen in the pulsating blood or in other words the arterial blood. Arterial blood is always highly saturated as it has not passed through a muscle where it would be used in metabolism. The Moxy SmO2 parameters ignores the pulsating blood and only looks at the deeper capillary blood vessels and therefore measures muscle blood oxygenation rather than arterial blood saturation.

What is the difference between SmO2 and tissue saturation (TSI/StO2)?

As explained in the definition of SmO2, SmO2 is muscle oxygen saturation, this being the amount of relative oxygenated hemoglobin against relative total hemoglobin. Tissue saturation on the other hand is the amount of relative oxygenated hemoglobin against relative total hemoglobin in all tissue under the sensor, not just muscle. This means it includes skin layer and adipose tissue. Obviously this will influence the measurement value that the user needs to be aware of when applying to training.